
10th August 2020 by Blu Wireless
Chapter 1: The role of unlicensed mmWave in tomorrow’s networks
Unlicensed frequency bands have been vital in the development of many successful radio technologies, from the Internet of Things (IoT) to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. The next frontier is set to be the...

6th August 2020 by Blu Wireless
Blu Wireless wins new UK 5G Project
Blu Wireless, the leader in mmWave technology, announced today it is part of the winning bid for the new Liverpool 5G Create project from the UK's Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sports...

16th June 2020 by Blu Wireless
Municipal Wireless Networks: Solving Public Smart City Wi-Fi
Internet connection is becoming a bigger and more integral part of our day-to-day transactions. It’s no longer just about work or entertainment, it’s embedded into every element of our lives. From...

12th June 2020 by Blu Wireless
Wireless Mesh Networks: Supporting Smart City Wi-Fi solutions
Smart Cities at one time seemed like a futuristic idea that wouldn’t be realised for generations. Now the technology is not only starting to emerge, it’s being put into action.

27th May 2020 by Blu Wireless
How real-time smart city Wi-Fi solutions will unlock IoT
In its simplest form, the Internet of Things (IoT) refers to every device connected to the internet. However increasingly IoT focuses on connected technologies that can send and receive data without...

6th May 2020 by Blu Wireless
Smart City WIFI Solutions: Enabling Public Access
Smart Cities will be filled with many applications that connect people, businesses, devices, and more. Everything we interact with on a daily basis, from public transport to grocery shopping has the...

28th April 2020 by Blu Wireless
mmWave Small Cells: Creating Private Networks for Industry
When thinking of small cells, mobile phone operators like Vodafone and EE will probably come to mind first – while this is perfectly correct, most people don’t realise that this is just one part of...

21st April 2020 by Blu Wireless
5G Technology: A quick guide to mmWave
5G is not one technology, it’s a collection of networking technologies, and Millimetre Wave (mmWave) provides the high-speed, multi-gigabit, carrier-grade link that can tie parts of it together. This...

19th February 2020 by Blu Wireless
A complete guide to UK 5G development (and who is involved)
Many UK cities have already ‘switched on’ 5G. This technology however, is much more than just faster internet speeds for your phone, with the biggest developments yet to come. 5G is the next...

6th February 2020 by Blu Wireless
The edge: Introducing 5G and infrastructure sharing
Edge computing is opening up the door to the future of connectivity. Just as the cloud service expanded our mobile storage capabilities, edge computing is set to do the same for data processing.

30th January 2020 by Blu Wireless
Technology and tomorrow’s networks: How the UK can connect the last mile (and quickly)
5G has been proclaimed as the “next big thing” for long enough. Now is the time for action. Let’s stop waiting for disruption in the connectivity market and make it happen.

21st January 2020 by Blu Wireless
How Fixed Wireless Access can be deployed today
Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) is the answer to the full-fibre problem. This revolutionary technology will finally meet the high-performance connectivity needs for entire cities and rural areas.

10th January 2020 by Blu Wireless
The 5G breakthroughs paving the way for 2020 connectivity
2019 has been the year of exponential connectivity growth and technology breakthroughs for Blu Wireless. We’ve seen the growth of HealthTech and its power to combat loneliness in the elderly...

21st November 2019 by Blu Wireless
4 key takeaways from the 2019 TIP Summit
Last week’s 4th annual Telecom Infra Project (TIP) Summit in Amsterdam saw the best and brightest in the internet and connectivity space come together to share their latest innovations and discuss...

16th October 2019 by Blu Wireless
5G-PICTURE: Creating open, scalable and elastic 5G ecosystems
With Blu Wireless’s three-year involvement in 5G-PICTURE edging towards completion, we spoke to Programme Manager, Richard Graham and Principal System Architect, Peter Legg about our role in the...

8th October 2019 by Blu Wireless
IWPC: A technology whitepaper on key features and challenges of 5G millimetre wave frequencies and mobile networks
By The International Wireless Industry Consortium

17th September 2019 by Blu Wireless
Tomorrow’s Smart Factories will need 5G to survive
The manufacturing industry is going through a radical transformation. Emerging technologies and futuristic cyber-physical systems increasingly occupy the factory floor. And the “Industry 4.0”...

2nd August 2019 by Ray McConnell
These 3 Networking Technologies are critical for Tomorrow’s Smart Cities
From self-activating street lights to available parking space alerts, our cities are getting increasingly smarter. By 2020, global spend on smart cities will exceed $34bn, including everything from...

9th July 2019 by Blu Wireless
The Truth behind Every Myth you’ve ever heard about 5G mmWave
As the race to 5G implementation is heating up, millimetre wave (mmWave) wireless frequencies have been receiving a lot of attention in the news. Plenty of US mobile network operators say they are...

2nd July 2019 by Blu Wireless
What is 5G mmWave?
As mobile operators are beginning their roll-outs of 5G technology, a Gartner survey reveals that two thirds of organisations worldwide see enough benefit to their businesses that they would consider...

23rd April 2019 by Blu Wireless
Mythbuster: 5G isn’t all about smartphones
The impending arrival of 5G mobile handsets is dominating technology headlines in 2019. When searching “5G” on Google, most search results are about 5G smartphones. But the idea that “5G equals...

19th March 2019 by Hemant Mardia
Can 5G conquer the Digital Divide?
The digital divide is an industry-wide challenge which cannot be overcome by any one company or nation. This reality dictates that untraditional partnerships and supportive legislation will be...

4th February 2019 by Blu Wireless
Five Key Learnings from the Liverpool 5G Health and Social Care Showcase Event
One year on from the inception of the Liverpool 5G Testbed, contributors and participants in the project met to discuss their findings about adopting and integrating 5G technologies into the health...

15th January 2019 by Blu Wireless
Debunking Common Misconceptions on 5G Implementation
Many Internet Service Providers are concerned with the immediate viability and payback of 5G. Several negative perceptions of the technology, including that it is both complex and expensive to...

11th December 2018 by Blu Wireless
Connecting Liverpool: How mmWave will transform healthcare
In OECD countries, Health and Social Care spending accounts for 21% of GDP – or $7,800 per capita. While this level of spending is significant, increased budgets may seem like the most logical step...

4th December 2018 by Ray McConnell
Fixed Wireless Access: Myths around the Last Mile
Thanks to recent innovations in unlicensed Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) technology, the UK is in a unique position to benefit from 5G Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB).

19th September 2018 by Blu Wireless
Let’s talk about 5G
What is it and why do we need it? Another exciting 5G headline appears on your notifications; “Are you ready for 5G?”, “A world-first in 5G trial”, “5G open for business” but behind the hype, what...
1st August 2017 by Blu Wireless
Blu Wireless Technology has contributed to a new European white paper from the ETSI standards organisation
Blu Wireless Technology has contributed to a new European white paper from the ETSI standards organisation entitled “mmWave Semiconductor Industry Technologies: Status and Evolution.” The paper is...
4th November 2016 by Blu Wireless
On 5G millimetre wave technology and why wireless is the new wired
Last month I presented to Tech UK on 5G millimetre wave technology for fixed wireless access, particularly looking at the demands and challenges of advancing throughput speeds for urban connections.
16th September 2015 by Blu Wireless
5G infrastructure to be examined by €7.3m 5G-XHaul Project
An ambitious, pan-European project will evaluate the infrastructure that will form the next generation of communications networks and services. The project partners include industrial companies,...
27th July 2015 by Blu Wireless
Blu Wireless Joins the University of Surrey’s 5G Innovation Centre
Blu Wireless Technology Ltd has joined the University of Surrey’s 5G Innovation Centre (5GIC) as part of its SME Technology partner programme.
11th February 2015 by Blu Wireless
Bristol is Open
Blu Wireless has announced its participation in experimental high-speed network, Bristol Is Open.